The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on Y&R in 20057

The Young and the Restless summaries from 20057
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January 3 to 7, 2005
Bobby disappeared, leaving Brittany and Nikki extremely worried. J.T. kissed Colleen. Mac told Kevin that she had kissed J.T. Dru decided to give in to Malcolm's demands, and she ordered a paternity test online. Malcolm grew closer to Adrienne, and she met Olivia and Dru. Victoria called Victor because she wanted her old job back. Nick hired Dru as the new head of the cosmetics division, with Neil serving as her mentor. Ashley took Victor up on his offer to save Jabot, and Jack tried to stop her. Damon told Phyllis about the evidence that could set her free. Phyllis decided to continue to keep it a secret for Damon's sake.
January 10 to 14, 2005
Dru told Malcolm that the paternity test had arrived, and she begged him to stop continuing to get closer to Lily. Malcolm found out that Damon was Adrienne's ex-husband, and Malcolm slept with Olivia. Bobby returned and told Brittany the truth about Nikki. After watching the videotape of Nikki and his brother, Bobby grew closer to Nikki. Phyllis found some information that might help set Damon free, but the D.A. didn't believe that it was valid proof. Ashley agreed to let Victor help with Jabot, and she hired him as a consultant. Jack interrupted Victor's first meeting with Jabot and announced that Victor wouldn't be staying long.
January 17 to 21, 2005
Brittany became jealous of Nikki when Bobby and Nikki's connection grew stronger. Brittany asked J.T. about the whereabouts of Joshua's body. Colleen's old boyfriend from New York showed up and asked Colleen to take a road trip with him. Colleen declined and got back together with J.T. Nikki and Brad were shocked to find out that Ashley had hired Victor to help save Jabot from bankruptcy. Phyllis disguised herself as a reporter and attempted to convince the D.A. not to proceed with the case against Damon. Malcolm told Lily he needed some space from her, and Neil got upset about it. At the stables, Damon and Adrienne found Michael and Lauren in a haystack.
January 24 to 28, 2005
Phyllis' plan to disguise herself as a reporter to convince the D.A. to drop the charges was successful. Damon and Adrienne got closer as they shared memories about Elias. Lily hoped Malcolm would change his mind about spending time with her if he saw how close the Winters family was. Devon told Sierra that his birthday was approaching. Brittany and Bobby tried to get Joshua's remains back. Nikki told Detective Weber the truth about the shooting. Brittany wanted to make a special dinner for Bobby at the loft. Nick was shocked to hear that Victor had been hired as a consultant, and he demanded that Sharon work for Newman Enterprises. Victor wanted Ashley to fire Brad. Victor was furious to find out that Jabot had hired Sharon without a making her sign a contract.
January 31 to February 4, 2005
Brad waged war against Victor, but Jack asked Brad to go along with what Victor wanted until Jack could implement another plan. Even though John suffered a dizzy spell, he decided to resume his duties as CEO of Jabot Cosmetics. Nikki arranged for Joshua's memorial service, but she asked Brittany to take credit for it as Bobby's wife. Phyllis again questioned Dru about the package that had been sent to the lab, and Phyllis wondered whose genes were being tested. Devon behaved oddly and skipped school, and when Neil and Dru confronted him, Devon told them that they didn't know a thing about what was going on with him. Brittany collapsed at the gravesite. J.T. told Mac all about Kevin's past. Damon was surprised to see Adrienne and Malcolm kissing. Brittany learned that she was pregnant. In a fit of rage, Jack threw Victor's chair out of the office window.
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February 7 to 11, 2005
On his birthday, Devon skipped school and became trapped in a lion cage at the zoo. Malcolm and Neil rescued Devon. Lily lost control of her car, and she accidentally hit Neil. Sharon gave her notice at Jabot, and Victor revealed that Nick had been paying her salary. Colleen and J.T. broke up, and Mac and J.T. made plans for Valentine's Day. Mac took Kevin to see a psychiatrist, and Kevin concocted a surprise date for Mac on Valentine's Day. Brittany told Bobby she was pregnant, and she became even more insecure about Bobby's connection with Nikki.
February 14 to 18, 2005
Mac explained to Kevin that he wasn't ready for a date with her, and later, he caught her and J.T. kissing. Kevin went to his psychiatrist, and she seemed to help him. Neil was in critical condition, but Malcolm gave him blood, and Neil recovered. Nikki begged Victor to quit Jabot to spend more time with her. Nikki and Bobby had another heart-to-heart conversation. Nick planned to foreclose on Jabot, so he could take over and fire Victor.
February 21 to 25, 2005
Victor and Nick argued over their tactics in their business dealings with Jabot Cosmetics. Nick felt that his position at Newman Enterprises was in name only. Jill handcuffed Katherine to the bedpost to stop her from interfering. Jack told Katherine the plan, and she agreed to help, provided that Jill had no part in it. Daniel discovered Lily's DNA test results. Gloria begged Michael to do something to help John with the company. Brittany told her parents that she was pregnant, and they disapproved. Mac, J.T., and Kevin faced off with one another.
February 28 to March 4, 2005
Although Jack and Chancellor Industries were in control of Jabot Cosmetics, everyone else involved resisted Jack's leadership. Daniel handed Lily the DNA results. John told his family that he was changing his will in order to provide for Gloria, should something happen to him. Phyllis realized that two paternity tests had been done. Bobby and Brittany decided to relocate to Chicago. Jack told Jill that she could not have a job at Chancellor Industries -- unless she wanted bathroom duties. Phyllis met Dru and forced her to tell Malcolm about the second paternity test. Mac and Brittany talked about Brittany's move to Chicago and what it would mean when Brittany couldn't go running to J.T. whenever she had a problem. Victor sent Nick out of town, causing even more anxiety for Nikki as she tried to say goodbye to Bobby. Malcolm tried to destroy the second paternity test results, but Dru saved them, and as she read them, they were both tense. A goodbye kiss between Nikki and Bobby turned into something passionate as passerby J.T. saw the whole thing.
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MARCH 2005
March 7 to 11, 2005
Nick asked Victor to go to Detroit with him to help solve a problem at Newman Enterprises. Mac learned that Brittany was pregnant. J.T. looked through a window and caught Nikki and Bobby in a passionate moment. Malcolm and Dru talked about the paternity test results and the fact that Malcolm was Lily's father. Nikki found Victor before he took off for Detroit on yet another business trip, and she told him that she had a plan to help revive their marriage and to get what she wanted from Victor. Brad told Jill that they should be better business associates. Kevin played with a yo-yo to charm Mac. Paul and Ashley found it strange that Gloria and Michael were spending time together. Jack told Gloria to get a job if she wanted to make sure her future was secure. Lorena Davis spotted Devon at Crimson Lights, skipping school again, and she questioned whether or not he needed to be on his medication again. Ashley tried to put Gloria down by disclosing Gloria's association with Michael to John and Jack, but Gloria turned the tables by pointing out that Ashley had met with Michael first. Gloria got a job at Jabot. J.T. told Brittany that he had seen Bobby and Nikki in a very passionate moment. Dru, Nikki, and Lily threw Devon a surprise birthday party, and Devon realized how much the Winters family and his friends cared about him. Brittany confronted Nikki about Nikki's feelings for Bobby. Gloria coached Kevin to take "baby steps" to get what he wanted. Brittany collapsed, and Nikki took her to the hospital.
March 14 to 18, 2005
Nikki sat with an anxious Brittany in her hospital room. Nikki called Bobby to inform him that Brittany was in the hospital. Jill warned Jack that he had better watch his back where she was concerned. Paul agreed to investigate Gloria for Ashley, but he refused to investigate Michael. After refusing to see Bobby when he arrived at the hospital, Brittany finally agreed to a visit. Gloria and Jill talked about the wants of Abbott women. Various Genoa City residents speculated that things would be different if Victoria returned to town. Phyllis found out where Victoria was staying, while Victor and Nikki made arrangements to pay Victoria a visit. Kevin hit it big with a win in the lottery. Brad wanted to be in charge of Jabot Cosmetics. Dru told Nick that she wanted a written contract regarding her position at Newman.
March 21 to 25, 2005
Jack paid Victoria a visit in Italy to try to get her to return to Genoa City. Bobby tried to make it up to Brittany after causing her so much pain and anguish. Gloria did her best to persuade Kevin to keep his lottery winnings and not tell Michael. Nikki told Nick and Sharon that she and Victor were on their way to Italy to see Victoria. Katherine told Jill that Jill would never run Jabot Cosmetics. Michael had a change of heart and wanted his family to be closer. Nick told Neil that he would give Dru a contract. Ashley flirtatiously asked for Paul's opinion about Jabot's new fragrances. Paul informed Ashley that several months before, the police had investigated a domestic disturbance at Gloria's home in Detroit. Victor and Nikki paid a visit to Victoria. Ashley got to see another side of Gloria and began to wonder if she had been wrong about Gloria. Lily insisted upon making amends with Malcolm, while Dru was very unsure of the meeting. Brittany left the hospital with Bobby, and he took her to her new home. Paul told Ashley that Gloria had two sons, Michael and Kevin. Kevin was forced to tell Michael that Michael had won the lottery. Mac introduced Katherine to online dating. Phyllis placed a call to Victoria to inform her about what had been happening back home. Ashley found Michael, Gloria, and Kevin together.
March 28 to April 1, 2005
Ashley confronted Kevin, Michael, and Gloria with the truth about who they really were. Ashley insisted that Gloria tell John the truth, or Ashley would. Nikki told Sharon to keep a closer eye on Cassie. Bobby and Brittany talked about their future and whether or not they really had one. Phyllis sent an email to Victoria after Jack deceived Phyllis. Sharon found a condom in Cassie's purse. Gloria prepared to tell John everything. Jack tried to win Phyllis back with a dinner that he and Daniel prepared. Michael fired Paul for the second time. John learned that Kevin and Michael were Gloria's real sons. Victor disapproved of Nick's decisions concerning Newman Enterprises. Sharon told Nick that he should work on mending fences with Victoria, regardless of whether or not Victoria decided to return. Phyllis and Jack hoped they were working toward a future together. Victoria returned to Genoa City.
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APRIL 2005
April 4 to 8, 2005
Dru asked Nick to tear up her new contract because of the lack of enthusiasm she had been receiving from others. Malcolm, Damon, and Adrienne faced off with one another. Kevin tried to protect Gloria from the Abbott clan. Victoria arrived in Genoa City but didn't want her family to know. Gina hired Bobby as a bartender. Sharon and Nick worried about Cassie's attitude and actions. John fell down the stairs while leaving for work. The fall left him wounded and unable to move as he struggled to open the front door for help. Kevin told Mac about his fear of his father. A stranger spotted a newspaper photo of Kevin winning the lottery, and he called Kevin "the little cockroach." Katherine was irritated by Jill's nagging, and she relented that Jill could have the CEO position if Jack agreed. Jack demanded Brad's resignation. As Victoria prepared to leave to go back to her new life in Europe, she opened the door to Nick. Kevin found John lying on the floor in pain.
April 11 to 15, 2005
Kevin found John on the floor in a pool of blood. After Nick accidentally discovered that Victoria had returned to town, Victoria let her parents know that she was back. Dru and Phyllis both opposed Daniel and Lily's growing relationship. Christine refereed a squabbling match between Michael and Paul, and she threatened to leave the firm. Brad resigned from Jabot Cosmetics. At the hospital, both Ashley and Jack learned that Kevin had saved John's life. Neil objected to Lily dating Daniel because Daniel and Kevin were friends. Victoria was upset that Victor had let Nick make lousy company decisions. Gloria refused to budge from the house once John returned, unless Jack and Ashley agreed to also leave. A stranger slipped into Michael's place and took several items. The Newmans celebrated Victoria's visit with a family dinner. Kevin tried hard to be a good guy and to do the right thing, but he ended up causing more problems. Jack and Gloria arrived home from the hospital, and she freaked out upon seeing the blood from John's accident. Gloria told Jack that they had to learn to live together for John's sake. Gloria and Jack tried to clean up the remains of the accident, but Jack saw how distraught she was, and he sent her upstairs. John told Ashley that he'd had a strange dream about Kevin. Ashley informed John that Kevin had found John on the floor and had saved his life. Jill thanked Jack for the vote of confidence by making her the new CEO of Jabot. Victoria asked Jack if the CEO position that he had offered her was still available.
April 18 to 22, 2005
Kevin paid John an unannounced visit at the hospital. Dru presented her new project idea to Nick. Neil and Dru agreed that Lily and Daniel should not see each other. Jack realized that Gloria loved his father. Kevin fixed breakfast for Mac, and they shared a kiss. Brad told Ashley that Jack had given the CEO job to Jill. J.T. reconsidered his career choice after Gloria accused him of destroying her marriage. Phyllis and Jack were at odds over business again. Michael cashed in his winning lottery ticket. Victoria asked Jack for a job. Victor asked Phyllis if Jack was preparing to offer Victoria a job. Nick felt that Victoria was up to something. Kevin felt better and more confident about himself after an appointment with his therapist. "Terrible Tom" eavesdropped on Kevin inviting Mac to a family dinner at Michael's place.
April 25 to 29, 2005
Victor warned Katherine to take action before Jack did something drastic. Brittany received a suspicious call from "Genoa City Hospital." Michael shared his lottery winnings with Kevin. Jack was forced to name Jill CEO of Jabot, instead of Victoria, because of Victor's interference. Kevin found himself face to face with "Terrible Tom." Victor tried to persuade Nick to find a place at Newman for Victoria. Michael and Lauren questioned Kevin about his sudden change of moods. Lily and Daniel were both unhappy because their parents had forbidden them from seeing each other. Jack told Victoria that she would not get the position of CEO at Jabot because of Victor. Nick gave Cassie permission to go to a movie, and Sharon reluctantly agreed, despite the fact that Cassie was still being punished. Lauren and Michael learned that Tom had been inside Michael's apartment and had seen Kevin. Tom made a point of meeting Ashley at the hospital after he overheard her and Jack talking about Gloria. Gloria had an ominous feeling as she looked out the window at the hospital; she turned around, but no one was there. John and Victor had a confrontation about Victoria. Kevin vowed to Mac that Tom would not hurt his family ever again. Michael agreed to meet with Tom, but he didn't know how he himself would react.
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MAY 2005
May 2 to 6, 2005
Michael wrote "Terrible Tom" a $10,000 check to leave town. Bobby and Brittany received an anonymous gift for the baby. Olivia called Nick and Sharon with the news that Cassie had been taken to the emergency room at the hospital. Phyllis learned that Daniel had been involved in an automobile accident. Michael told Kevin to go back to Dr. Woods, his therapist, so Kevin would be prepared mentally when Tom returned to town. Ashley took John home from the hospital. Brittany discovered the diamonds that Bobby was holding for safekeeping. Daniel had no recollection of the accident or why he had been with Cassie. Detective Weber informed Phyllis and Daniel that if Cassie didn't survive, Daniel could be arrested for DUI and vehicular manslaughter and that he could spend time in prison. Gloria met John's new physical therapist, Gitta. Vinny warned Bobby about Brittany getting too nosy. Cassie faced surgery for her depressed skull fracture. Cassie woke up from her coma and saw Nick and Sharon at her side. Bobby returned the diamonds to Vinny, thinking it would put an end to their business dealings. Gloria and Kevin struggled to think of a way to get rid of Gitta. Nikki ordered Phyllis to move out, and Jack offered his home to Phyllis and Daniel. Cassie underwent surgery. Gitta planned to move into the Abbott guesthouse. Katherine told Mac how to handle J.T. Daniel and Lily talked about his gloomy future. Malcolm and Lily told Daniel that they were both in his corner. Nick learned the seriousness of Cassie's condition.
May 9 to 13, 2005
Phyllis and Daniel prepared themselves for the move to the Abbott home. Daniel was arrested. Devon, Lily, Neil, and Dru celebrated Mother's Day. The Newmans waited to hear the results of Cassie's operation and prognosis for recovery. Daniel went to the hospital to see Cassie. J.T. arrived home and found that Mac had moved out of the apartment and in with her grandmother. Gloria wanted Kevin to meet with John so that John could properly thank Kevin for saving his life. Lily and Daniel met and became even closer. J.T. and Mac struggled to figure out what kind of relationship they had. Dru found Daniel and Lily together. John told Kevin that his feelings about Kevin and Gloria had not changed. Michael planned a special night with Lauren. Lily paid Cassie a visit in her hospital room. Cassie had a dream about the automobile accident.
May 16 to 20, 2005
Damon left Genoa City to try to reconnect with Adrienne and to put their marriage back together. Cassie left the hospital without permission. Michael proposed to Lauren in a lavish setting. J.T. tried to lure Mac back as his roommate with dinner, dessert, and a no-commitment attitude. Lauren accepted Michael's proposal of marriage. Gloria and Kevin used their wiles to try to get rid of Gitta. Vinny started to put pressure on Bobby to repay the money. Cassie collapsed inside Crimson Lights as Daniel and Lily rushed to her side to help her.
May 23 to 27, 2005
"Terrible Tom" and Ashley had an impromptu fishing date. Lauren and Michael announced their engagement. Lauren and Michael hired Gloria as their wedding planner. Daniel considered himself a murderer even though he couldn't remember what had happened. Katherine told Jill that Jill needed to find a new way to approach people if she expected to get results from them. Mac informed Kevin that she and J.T. were together, and Kevin felt vulnerable again. Gitta made a play for Kevin, thinking that he might be the answer to all her problems. Nick and Sharon were with Cassie in her hospital room when Cassie flatlined. Daniel ran away before he learned that Cassie had died and that the charges against him had been upped to vehicular homicide.
May 30 to June 3, 2005
The Newman family and friends gathered for the memorial service for their beloved Cassie. Daniel went into hiding, and he remembered that Cassie had tried to tell him something, but he didn't know what. Gloria had a plan to get Gitta out of John's life. Malcolm warned Lily that trying to help Daniel would only put her in jeopardy. Phyllis was distraught over her son's impending prison time. Brad refused to let Abby stay at the Abbott home, while Nikki asked Ashley to let Victor spend some time with Abby. Nick became distant with Sharon, while she grieved the loss of her daughter alone. Mac and J.T. grew closer. Bobby and Brittany learned that their baby was a boy, and they decided to name him Joshua. Kevin and Gitta shared a conversation and sealed it with a kiss. John told Gloria that he thought there might be something going on between Gitta and Kevin. Bobby and Brittany received yet another anonymous baby gift. Nick turned to work to help him deal with his grief. "Terrible Tom" and Ashley shared a meal and more intense conversation. Michael and Tom butted heads with each other, and each threatened to do harm to the other.
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JUNE 2005
June 6 to 10, 2005
Nick asked his father for help, after realizing that he could not function at work. Gloria discovered that Gitta would be deported in two months. Victoria learned that Michael and Lauren were engaged. Kevin, fully aware that Gitta was using him, helped his mother to put her plan to get rid of Gitta into action. Katherine told Jill that the ads from Jabot were stale, and she would like something done about them. Nick, filled with rage, believed that Daniel had manipulated Cassie into his car and to her death. Kevin played "vampire," causing Gitta to scream and run out of the house. Gitta resigned from her position and said that she would send for her belongings later. Malcolm made a deal to work for Jill, provided she hired Lily as a model. Brad learned that Ashley was dating Paul and another man that Paul had "strange vibes" about. Daniel was a no-show at his arraignment, and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Lily, who learned about the bench warrant, slipped out a window and away from Malcolm and Lieutenant Weber to warn Daniel. Larry Warton returned to see Sharon and offered his heartfelt sympathy to her, while trying to get her to realize that soon, Cassie's memories would provide her nothing but joy and sunshine. Lily fooled Malcolm into believing that she would wait for help, and she and Daniel took off in her car. J.T. and Mac took their relationship to a new level. "Terrible Tom" told Michael that he was planning on staying in town. Gloria eased John's suffering by applying help she learned while watching Gitta, and John invited her to dinner in return. Ashley accepted a dinner invitation from Terrible Tom after Gloria called her an "ice queen."
June 13 to 17, 2005
Nick destroyed his living room in a fit of rage after he learned that Daniel had skipped out on his hearing. Ashley saw the unpleasant side of "Terrible Tom." John and Gloria made progress in putting their marriage back together. Victoria received several job offers. Daniel and Lily went on the run and ended up in a sleazy motel. Dru blamed Malcolm for prioritizing his own agenda instead of considering Lily's safety. Dru and Neil berated Devon for not telling them that Lily had called. Michael warned Neil about what could happen to Lily because she had aided and abetted Daniel. Phyllis enlisted Kevin's help to find Daniel and Lily. Brittany and Bobby talked about their dreams for the future. J.T. and Mac took their relationship to another level. Bobby received a package while he and Brittany shared a picnic at Gina's. Brittany became afraid for their unborn son's life after she discovered a gruesome gift inside the box. Victoria decided to take the job as temporary head of Newman Enterprises until Nick could settle his personal life. Ashley and Abby paid Victor a visit upon Abby's request. Lily cut Daniel's hair.
June 20 to 24, 2005
Bobby and Brittany's marriage seemed to fall apart before everyone's eyes. Lily hoped that Daniel's new haircut would help to keep his identity a secret. Victoria learned that Abby was Victor's child. Devon decided to look for his biological mother. Phyllis and Nick became temporary allies as they searched for Daniel and Lily. Bobby agreed to rejoin his old crowd. Neil asked for time off so that he too could search for his daughter. Brittany told J.T. that the baby she was carrying was his. Danny called Phyllis and told her that he believed Daniel and Lily were headed for Los Angeles. Brad and Paul were suspicious of "Terrible Tom." Gloria told Michael, Kevin, and Lauren that her marriage to John was back on track in every way, including in the bedroom. Bobby told Brittany to be out of their apartment and gone by the time he got home from work. Michael asked Kevin to be his best man. Mac and J.T. parted ways, as she could not accept that he had fathered Brittany's baby. Bobby told Nikki about his breakup with Brittany. J.T. told Katherine why he and Mac had called it quits. Kevin stood up to Tom. Katherine suggested to J.T. that he not move too quickly in ending his relationship with Mac. Bobby returned home, and Brittany rushed into his arms, indicating that their estrangement had just been a ruse.
June 27 to July 1, 2005
Bobby and Brittany put their plan into action. A brokenhearted Mac moved out of the apartment she had shared with J.T. Ashley and Lauren talked about mysterious Tom. "Terrible Tom" told Michael that he had news about Gloria that could shake everything up. Ashley received her first kiss from Tom. Michael found Tom in Ashley's home. Sharon was lonely with Nick away, and she found solace with Brad. Michael instructed Gloria to have Tom declared legally dead to avoid any future problems in her marriage. Nikki confronted Brittany about what Brittany had done to Bobby. Devon found his biological mother. Michael offered Tom another bribe. Victoria ordered Dru to return to work, or Dru would risk losing her job.
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JULY 2005
July 4 to 8, 2005
Gloria threw a Fourth of July bash at the Abbott home. Victor planned to take Nikki on a cruise around the Greek Isles. Mac told J.T. that she was going to stand by him and that she wanted to move back in. Devon found his mother, and their reunion was bittersweet. Bobby told Paul the truth about his and Brittany's scheme. Daniel remembered what had happened on the night of Cassie's accident. Sharon suggested that Victoria consider hiring Brad at Newman Enterprises. Daniel and Lily became suspects and fugitives once again when they ran away from a gas station holdup. J.T. and Brittany put on a show to convince Vinny that they were a couple. Brad rejected Victoria's offer to work for Newman, but then he reconsidered and accepted the job. Detective Weber agreed to let Paul examine Daniel's car, but only if Daniel turned himself in. Neil and Lily were reunited on the beach. Nick chased Daniel and caught him, but Phyllis protected her son.
July 11 to 15, 2005
Nick caught up with Daniel in California. Nikki told Bobby that she didn't believe the story that he had told her about his breakup with Brittany. The police apprehended Daniel and Lily. Devon met with his mother again. Michael and Lauren talked briefly about her son, Scotty. Michael became determined to find out why Lauren didn't want her son at their wedding. Mac and Kevin got closer after her breakup with J.T. Nick returned home. J.T. told Brittany that Bobby needed to do something fast, before J.T. lost Mac to Kevin. Lily and Daniel were cleared of the robbery charges in California. Dru received a letter from Malcolm stating that he was going out of town so that he didn't put any undue stress on her when Lily returned from California. Nick fired Phyllis, but Victoria wasn't sure he had done the right thing. Dru met Devon's mother. "Terrible Tom" and Michael had an ugly confrontation. J.T. walked into the Athletic Club, looking like he had received a horrible beating, and he pulled a gun on Bobby.
July 18 to 22, 2005
J.T. pulled a gun on Bobby at the Athletic Club. Neil and Lily returned home from California. Nick left Victoria in charge of Newman Enterprises. Brad told Victor that Victoria had hired him. Victor asked Glenn Richards to see if Daniel's trial could be moved up, so the healing process could begin for his family. Lily worried about Daniel. Brad told Ashley that he would give her full custody of Abby if she quit her job and stayed at home full-time. Brad tried to lure Sharon back to her job at Newman Enterprises. Michael became curious about why Lauren wouldn't tell him about her son, Scotty. Kevin used Lauren's cell phone to obtain Scotty's phone number. Mac and J.T. talked about the beating that he had received. Devon vowed to help his mother. Bobby started to gather information on Vinny and the mob. Michael arrived in Toronto, and he prepared to introduce himself to Scotty. Nikki spotted Brittany leaving Bobby's old office at Marsino's. Vinny went to lock up the club, and he spotted Nikki hiding. "Terrible Tom" arrived on Gloria's doorstep.
July 25 to 29, 2005
Nick held on to his memories of Cassie, and he hid the clothing she lad last worn, which might be evidence that would help exonerate Daniel. Gloria was rattled by "Terrible Tom's" sudden appearance. Michael returned from his trip and found Lauren trying to prepare him for the news that Tom and Gloria had never legally divorced. Lily went to see Daniel in disguise, and she ended up getting arrested. Paul discovered that his office had been bugged. Nikki told J.T. that she had figured out what was going on, as Vinny listened to their conversation. Devon told Neil that he had to try to help Yolanda. Sharon and Nick tried to put their marriage back together. Devon became frustrated by Yolanda's lack of effort to try to get better, and he walked away from her. Bobby told Victor that Nikki might be in trouble. Michael suggested that Gloria get Tom's threats on tape. Lauren seemed reluctant to set a wedding date. Sharon and Christine talked about Daniel and Cassie, and Sharon found out that Cassie had told Nick not to blame Daniel. Gloria got Tom's blackmail demands on tape, but he destroyed the evidence. Bobby, J.T., and Paul freed Brittany from Vinny's clutches, but Victor still wanted to know Nikki's whereabouts.
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August 1 to 5, 2005
Paul had a tracking device placed in Vinny's automobile so that Victor, Bobby, and Paul would be able to locate Nikki. Lily spent a night in jail, thanks to Phyllis. Vinny's muscle man, Luca, held Nikki at a warehouse. Mac talked to Kevin about a possible business deal. With Mac and J.T.'s help, Brittany delivered a premature baby boy. Victor rescued Nikki at Marsino's. Michael confronted Gloria with the knowledge that their plan for "Terrible Tom" had backfired. Brad told Lauren that she needed to be honest with Michael about her past. Gloria told Ashley a little about her past with Tom. Michael and Lauren had another argument after she found out that he had visited Scotty in Toronto. Brittany saw Victor, Nikki, and Paul at the hospital, and she wondered where Bobby was. Brad told Michael that Scotty's father had died. Christine told Paul that Bobby had needed to go into the witness protection program. Bobby and Brittany finally got to be together at the hospital, and they went to the nursery to visit their son. The judge allowed Lily to go home, but he warned her that she needed an attitude change or else she would be back for a longer period of time. Lauren visited Scotty in Toronto and told him that she and Michael were engaged. Michael bugged Brad again about Lauren's background. Brad suggested that Michael investigate Sheila Carter, but he refused to divulge anything more. J.T. finally told Mac the truth about Brittany, Bobby, and the baby. Lauren left Scotty, but Scotty had a secret of his own -- Sheila Carter was in the next room.
August 8 to 12, 2005
Bobby saved his baby from Angelo and later entered the witness protection program. Michael probed Eric Forrester for information about Sheila and Lauren. Nick refused to give Cassie's clothes to Phyllis. Christine's opening statement in Daniel's trial was noticeably weak. Gloria persuaded John to help her pay off Tom.
August 15 to 19, 2005
Nick's visit with Alice offered him some resolution concerning Cassie's death. Lauren went ballistic when she learned that Michael had met with Sheila. Damaging witness testimony, coupled with Christine's unpersuasive closing argument, didn't help Daniel's case. Katherine and Mac devised a plan to have J.T. and Brittany move into the Chancellor estate. Brad refused to use Jill for information that would help Newman Enterprises..
August 22 to 26, 2005
Phyllis tried to remain calm at Daniel's trial. Scotty tried to persuade "Brenda" to travel to Genoa City with him. Nikki had panic attacks. Mac and Kevin talked further about their plans to buy Crimson Lights. Jack told Victoria what Brad had done to Jill after Victoria had hired him to work for Newman. The court found Daniel guilty of vehicular homicide. Gloria asked for Michael's help with "Terrible Tom." Michael and Lauren prepared to leave for California to see Sheila. Michael told Tom that his free ride was over. As the judge was about to announce Daniel's sentence, Nick and Sharon entered the courtroom with enough evidence to overturn the verdict . Daniel was a free man. Mac asked Kevin to move into the Chancellor estate, but Kevin decided to live at the loft. Lily hadn't heard about the new evidence, and she was shocked when a free Daniel reunited with her in the park. Victor arranged for Il Devo to serenade Nikki.
August 29 to September 2, 2005
Victor told Nick that he was proud that Nick had offered the evidence that had cleared Daniel. Mac and Kevin received Katherine's approval on their business deal. "Terrible Tom" and Ashley took steps back to each other. Lily and Daniel spent the night together. Tom again tried to force himself into Kevin's life. The district attorney agreed to drop the charges against Lily if Neil and Dru made plans for Lily to attend boarding school away from Genoa City and Daniel. Kevin and Scotty grew closer as they shared details about their lives. Kevin asked Scotty to become his new roommate. Sharon returned to work. Malcolm said goodbye to Lily. Nick and Daniel made peace with each other. Michael escorted Tom to John's home to tell John the truth about everything. Gloria backed up Michael's decision, and she blasted Tom for the horrible life she'd had with him. Devon and Sierra said goodbye to Lily. Devon and Sierra found Yolanda passed out in the park. Kevin introduced Scotty to Daniel. Tom met a disguised Sheila at the Athletic Club. Sheila persuaded Tom to follow his instincts to get even, and he headed for John's office, where he introduced himself as a friend of Ashley's.
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September 5 to 9, 2005
"Terrible Tom" went to John Abbott's office and introduced himself. Sharon planned on returning to work, while Nick had other things he still wanted to do around the house. Daniel was still unsettled after Lily left Genoa City. Michael gave Kevin the go-ahead with his plans for the coffeehouse. Terrible Tom tried to make it appear to John that, because of his feelings for Ashley, he was becoming a changed man. Devon and Neil waited in the hospital for news about Devon's mother, Yolanda. Phyllis told Jack that it was time for her and Daniel to find their own place. Michael faced Terrible Tom after John had told Michael to leave the Abbott home because of Terrible Tom's comments. Gloria was once again forced to realize that because of Terrible Tom, her marriage appeared safe. Devon witnessed his mother being put into restraints at the hospital. Sheila and Terrible Tom joined forces. Gloria told Ashley that Tom Callahan, the man Ashley was dating, was actually Terrible Tom Fisher, the child abuser. After listening to Mac and Kevin's plans for the coffeehouse, Nick believed that selling it would be a good idea, but Sharon was not in favor of it.
September 12 to 16, 2005
Ashley accused Michael of keeping information about "Terrible Tom" from her. "Brenda" convinced Tom to join forces with her to get even with the people who had hurt them. Brittany took Joshua home from the hospital, and Jill later found herself bonding with the baby. Michael apologized to John for betraying his trust, and Michael hoped that the future would put them on solid ground again. Tom extorted more money and a first-class trip for two to Las Vegas from Gloria. Lauren returned home from her trip to find Scotty waiting for her. Sheila disguised herself as "Jennifer Mitchell," and she saved Gloria from another sticky situation with Ashley. "Brenda" joined Scotty in Genoa City. Lauren planned a dinner party in Scotty's honor. J.T. suggested to Mac that she work with him and Paul, since her deal to buy the coffeehouse had apparently fallen through. J.T. tried to calm Nikki down after she experienced what he thought was a panic attack. Scotty canceled his dinner date with "Brenda" to attend a dinner party Lauren had planned. Yolanda received a lecture, a lesson, and some good advice from Neil about her future. Sharon decided to sell the coffeehouse to Kevin and Mac. Gina hired "Jennifer." Mac told Kevin that they owned the coffeehouse. Victoria was unhappy about Brad holding stock in Jabot, but he refused to sell it. J.T. told Mac about his new job offer. Sharon told Victor and Nikki that she had agreed to sell the coffeehouse to Mac and Kevin. Sheila reported to work on the night of Lauren's dinner party for Scotty, and Gina repeatedly had to tell "Jennifer" to take care of other tables. Gloria choked when she spotted "Jennifer," who grabbed Gloria.
September 19 to 23, 2005
"Jennifer" saved Gloria from choking to death. J.T. planned a special evening for Mac. Victoria told Brad that he had to sell his Jabot stock. Jill helped Brittany to adapt to having a new baby. Scotty told Sheila that he sometimes wondered about his unknown past. Mac told J.T. that she wasn't sure she could ever feel the same way about him as she once had. Victoria and Nick spoke about the proper way to handle Brad. Lauren and Michael discussed whether Lauren should tell Scotty the truth about his past. Jill tried to lure Brad back to Jabot. J.T. moved out to give Mac some space. Brittany gave Mac some good advice concerning J.T. Yolanda disappeared from the hospital. Jack offered to buy Brad's stock. Devon and Neil found Yolanda having breakfast on the patio at Crimson Lights with Daniel. Dru and Sharon agreed to start over. Victoria told Brad that he might not be right for the job at Newman Enterprises. J.T. declared his intent to win Mac back. "Brenda" told Scotty that in her story, the other woman used her beauty to lure the doctor away from her friend and then got pregnant. Victor suggested that Victoria find a way to compromise with Brad. Scotty learned that "Brenda" was actually the nurse in their story. Brittany dreamed that someone had taken Joshua, and when she woke up, she discovered that Joshua was missing. Sheila looked in the mirror and told herself that she had better keep it together, because if Scotty learned the truth, Lauren would steal him away from her, like Lauren had taken his father. Scotty bought a present for "Brenda" at Lauren's shop, and Lauren planned to deliver it in person to the mysterious "Brenda." Victoria and Brad agreed that he would trade his Jabot shares for stock in Newman Enterprises.
September 26 to 30, 2005
"Terrible Tom" arrived back in Genoa City just as Lauren was about to make a delivery to "Brenda." Brad signed his shares of Jabot stock over to Victor, and he received a small share of Newman Enterprises stock in return. Scotty began to feel that everyone knew about his mother's past and his background but him. Nick took the job as assistant coach of Noah's soccer team, proving to Sharon that he had no intentions of returning to his Newman position anytime soon. Ashley told Michael that everyone had a weakness and that she just had to find out what Tom's was. Jack wondered about the reason behind Sharon's constant meetings with Brad. Devon thanked Daniel for buying Yolanda breakfast before she went into rehab, and the young men talked about whether Lily would return. Neil considered moving into another line of work. Nikki lashed out at J.T. for breaking his promise not to tell anyone about her anxiety and depression. Victor told Nikki that they were leaving for their trip, and he didn't want her to be concerned about anything but enjoying herself. Victoria and Brad shared a kiss. Mac comforted J.T., and they kissed.
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October 3 to 7, 2005
Ashley cozied up to "Terrible Tom" to make him less likely to figure out that there was a plot against him. Michael told Lauren that he and Ashley were working together to get rid of Tom for good. Neil told Dru that he had spent the night at the rehab center with Yolanda so that he could offer his support and keep Yolanda from leaving the facility. Brittany received a call from Agent Larkin telling her to be ready to leave at any time. Tom refused to aid "Brenda" in finding a source for her poison. At the last minute, Sharon went with Brad on a business trip. Tom told his "boys" that he planned to make amends for all his actions in the past. Nick turned the coffeehouse over to Mac and Kevin. Katherine apologized to Jill for her past actions. Scotty presented Lauren with a necklace, unaware that Sheila had laced it with poison. Ashley planted something on Tom's motorcycle. Sheila overheard Lauren's conversation with Michael and realized that she herself had not killed Taylor. Brittany's baby was kidnapped in the airport while he was in Jill's care.
October 10 to 14, 2005
"Terrible Tom" was arrested for possession of crystal meth. Jill saved Brittany's baby from being kidnapped by using a doll dressed in Joshua's clothing. Brad and Victoria had their first setback with the new Seasons line. Christine represented Tom at his jail bond hearing, at which he claimed that he had been set up. Lauren started to have hallucinations from the poison that Sheila had planted on the necklace that Scotty had given her. Abby told her mother that she didn't think that Victoria liked her, even though Abby and Victoria were half-sisters. Lauren planned a romantic dinner for Michael, while Sheila planned to watch Lauren die. Tom became increasingly irate in jail. Jack had Phyllis try to lure Neil away from Newman Enterprises. Kevin, "Jennifer," and Gloria all refused to post Tom's bail. Ashley and Brad argued about his relationship with Victoria. Kevin threw Michael a bachelor party. Bobby and Brittany were reunited briefly before he had to leave again. Lauren locked herself on the roof and had horrific images flash before her. Lauren saw Sheila, but she wasn't sure if she was hallucinating or if Sheila was real.
October 17 to 21, 2005
Daniel found out that he had to appear in court again to face the charges against him for running away to California. Devon got a full-time job at Crimson Lights. Michael rescued Lauren from jumping off the edge of the rooftop, as Sheila hid in the background. Jack warned Ashley that being married to Brad was better for her in the long run than divorcing him. "Terrible Tom" forced Gloria to get the cash and pay his bail through "Jennifer." Brittany fell apart when she learned of Bobby's death. Newman Enterprises began its search for a new spokesmodel. Ashley visited Tom in jail, and he promised her that he was going to find out who had framed him. Tom demanded that Gloria help him after he was released from jail. Daniel received a year's probation with community service. Sheila was interrupted in Lauren's room, making it impossible for her to inject the poison. Tom realized that "Jennifer" could be responsible for Lauren's sudden illness. J.T. comforted Brittany and held her as Mac walked in and saw them. Brad presented Victoria with a personal gift, and they grew closer. Victor returned from his vacation and learned that Nick had decided to return to work.
October 24 to 28, 2005
Nikki had a long talk with Victoria about Brad. "Terrible Tom" stole Lauren's necklace, but he decided to keep it until "Brenda" agreed to help him. J.T. told Mac about Bobby's death Devon decided that he was going to help Yolanda, over Dru and Neil's objections. Tom threatened Michael, Kevin, Gloria, and Lauren. Victoria returned Brad's gift and told him that she preferred to keep their relationship strictly a business one. Nick told Victoria that he had decided to return to work, but he wanted her to stay and run the company with him. Sheila made plans to get even with Lauren on Lauren's wedding day. Brad told Sharon that she was the new spokesmodel for Newman Enterprises. Michael postponed the wedding because of Lauren's hallucinations. Dru took Yolanda home to stay with the Winters family. Tom caught Ashley by surprise, because she had not known that he was out of jail. Scotty discovered a picture of Sheila as "Brenda" emerged from the bathroom after she had taken a shower.
October 31 to November 4, 2005
Michael asked Paul to check on "Terrible Tom's" whereabouts on the night that Lauren had started to hallucinate and also to find out whether or not Tom had been at the hospital. "Brenda" told Tom not to trust Ashley. Scotty began to have doubts and questions about "Brenda." The main computer crashed at Newman Enterprises, and Nick called Phyllis to help fix it. Gloria asked Kevin to help her deceive John about the wedding gifts. Victoria told Brad that she wanted a relationship with him. Daniel found out how to contact Lily. Dru complimented Kevin for changing his life and becoming a better person. Tom spotted a meeting between Ashley and Michael. Brittany left Genoa City with Joshua to join her parents in New York after she'd realized that there was no future for her with J.T. Paul informed Michael that Tom had been at the hospital at the time in question. Katherine tried to get Jill to focus on business again. Scotty looked for information about the mysterious "Brenda." Sheila learned that Lauren had been released from the hospital and that an old picture of Sheila was missing. Paul told Michael that "Jennifer Mitchell" had paid Tom's bail. Tom changed his date plans with Ashley after he picked her up, since he suspected that she might have helped Michael to set Tom up. "Brenda" confronted Scotty about the missing picture that he had swiped.
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November 7 to 11, 2005
Victor asked J.T. to investigate whether someone had tampered with the Newman website. "Jennifer" went to the hospital to retrieve the missing picture. Scotty found a publisher for the book he and "Brenda" were writing. Jack suggested to Jill that Phyllis had sabotaged the Newman website. "Terrible Tom" terrorized Lauren and Mac, but Michael rescued them and almost choked Tom to death. Kevin fabricated receipts for Gloria, but he warned her that he would not do anything again that would jeopardize the new life that he had made for himself. Michael told Lauren that he believed Tom had been responsible for her hospital stay. Gloria gave John the doctored receipts for the wedding. Tom attempted to intimidate Gloria into helping him, but she threatened to have his bail revoked. As the Newman website was about to go live, the main computer crashed. "Brenda" told Scotty that she didn't want to have their book published. Abby overheard Brad and Ashley arguing at Abby's birthday party. Michael told "Jennifer" that he believed she had been responsible for poisoning Lauren. "Jennifer" proposed another deal with Tom. J.T. enlisted Kevin's help to resolve Newman's computer problems.
November 14 to 18, 2005
Michael and Paul started to put the pieces of the puzzle together regarding Lauren's poisoning and hallucinations. Gloria and Lauren wondered whether "Brenda" or "Jennifer" lived in apartment #311. Sharon and Nick continued to argue over her close relationship with Abby. Scotty learned that Michael believed that "Jennifer" had been responsible for poisoning Lauren, and they worried that "Brenda" could be in danger. Ashley told Paul that she and Michael had set "Terrible Tom" up to be arrested. Abby told Sharon that she didn't like Victoria. Scotty implored Lauren to tell him about the past. Tom tried to negotiate a "get out of jail free" card in exchange for the necklace and the name of the person who poisoned Lauren. Sharon froze on the air when she was questioned about Cassie's death. The hospital called Lauren to tell her that they had found her necklace. Brad comforted Sharon after the webcast and ended up kissing her.
November 21 to 25, 2005
Lauren told Michael that her necklace had been found. Phyllis promised Nick that if he took her to Newman Enterprises, she would delete the files that allowed secret access to the computer system. "Brenda" told a surprised Scotty that she was returning to Toronto. Abby's fever interrupted the evening that Victoria had planned with Brad. Victor fired Kevin for not discovering Phyllis' access to the website. Gloria told John that "Terrible Tom" had been blackmailing her, and Ashley confirmed it to be true. "Brenda" warned Tom not to cross her. Kevin told Jack that he had found nothing on the website and that Jack should go directly to Phyllis for more information, because she had done something to the computer. Victor said a Thanksgiving prayer as everyone in Genoa City celebrated the holiday.
November 28 to December 2, 2005
Nick and Sharon spent their first Thanksgiving without their beloved Cassie. Daniel joined Noah's basketball team as Nick's assistant coach. Phyllis discovered Kevin turning over discs to Jack. John went to confront "Jennifer" about having "Terrible Tom's" bail revoked. John and Tom got into a tussle at "Jennifer's" place. Paul loaned John a gun as protection for John's family. Nick declined Sharon's offer for him to accompany her on her promotional tour for Newman Enterprises. Devon realized that Yolanda was a much more learned woman than he had expected. Lauren's mother, Joanna, surprised everyone by arriving for her daughter's wedding. "Jennifer" convinced Tom that if he went along with her plans, the two of them would soon be rich and living in Rio. Nikki advised Nick that he and Sharon needed to talk to one another or seek help.
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December 5 to 9, 2005
"Terrible Tom" aborted his plans because he couldn't get Lauren alone. Paul told Michael that John had gone to the dark side. Brad told Sharon and Victoria, separately, that he wished they would become friends. Jack was upset to learn that his father had a gun. Devon decked Isaac after Isaac tried to lure Yolanda back to her old ways. J.T., Jack, and Paul started to put the pieces of the puzzle together about "Jennifer" and Tom. Scotty gave Lauren the first ten chapters of his book on her wedding day. Tom warned Michael about "Jennifer." Abby blamed Victoria for Brad not being able to attend the wedding to see Abby as Lauren's flower girl. Tom confronted Ashley regarding the truth about her feelings for him. "Jennifer" turned up in the bride's room to warn Lauren that Tom might try something at the wedding. The wedding finally began and went off without a hitch.
December 12 to 16, 2005
Kevin presented Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baldwin to family and friends at the wedding reception. As the lights went out in the reception room, everyone was relieved to learn that the cause was because of an old breaker that had blown. Victoria caught the wedding bouquet. Devon, Dru, Neil, and Yolanda all had a heart-to-heart conversation over Devon's attitude and priorities. Kevin shared a kiss with Mac after the wedding. Brad and Sharon talked about what they hadn't done while Phyllis and Nicholas talked about what they had done. Scott headed for Ontario to learn more about Brenda and to pack his things to make the move to Genoa City. Michael and the captain of the yacht went snorkeling while the rest of the crew went to shore, leaving Lauren to read Scott's novel. John received a letter from "Terrible Tom" telling him that he and Gloria had never divorced. Lauren read the manuscript, and then Sheila appeared to Lauren. Lauren told Terrible Tom that the woman he was helping was a murderer and that the two of them would be dead by the end of the day, if he didn't do something. Mac and J.T. moved back to the loft with Kevin and Scott. John decided to renew his wedding vows with Gloria. Michael witnessed an explosion on the yacht carrying his beloved Lauren. Sharon told Nick that she had almost turned to another man. Michael called Kevin, crying, and told him that something was very wrong.
December 19 to 23, 2005
Michael told Kevin that he thought "Terrible Tom" was in part responsible for blowing up the boat that Lauren had been on. In a moment of weakness, Sharon told Nick that she had found herself drawn to another man. Katherine warned J.T. that she didn't want Mac to get hurt again. Kevin watched Gloria and John renew their wedding vows, despite knowing that Lauren was presumed missing. Kevin went to the airport to meet Scotty, so the two of them could head for Florida. Paul announced that Tom was considered a fugitive because he hadn't turned up at his bail hearing. Sheila woke up and found that Tom had bound and gagged her. Jack turned down Phyllis and Nikki's new project proposal. Sheila learned that Lauren was not only still alive but was also at the shelter. Lauren clued in Tom as to who the woman he had befriended really was. Lauren learned that Sheila had poisoned her. Sharon, Nick, and Noah received a special gift from the coffeehouse and friends of Cassie: a special spot in Crimson Lights called "Cassie's Corner." Yolanda insisted that Devon go on the trip with his foster parents, claiming that she would spend time with him when he returned home. Victor offered to finance Nikki's wellness spas. The citizens of Genoa City celebrated Christmas Eve, and Daniel learned that he had a guardian angel.
December 26 to 30, 2005
John and Gloria learned the horrible news about Lauren upon their arrival home from their honeymoon trip. Paul and the police announced that the bomb-making material used to blow up the boat that Lauren had been on had matched the materials found in "Terrible Tom's" garage. Nikki and Phyllis presented their plan to Jill, who eagerly accepted it. Gloria received a call from Tom telling her where to meet him, but John and Ashley also discovered Tom's whereabouts. Paul learned that fingerprints found in Tom's garage belonged to Sheila. The police found Tom in serious condition, with Ashley holding a gun over his body. After Paul had confirmation that the person in the California mental institution was not Sheila, he realized that "Brenda," "Jennifer," and Sheila were all the same person. Tom died in the hospital, and Ashley was charged with his murder. John lay in the ICU after an automobile accident. Phyllis and Daniel joined Nick and Sharon for dinner on New Year's Eve. Brad told Sharon that he loved her, but he later proposed to Victoria.
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